Saturday, November 22, 2014

Should Have Gone to Spec Savers.....???

We are on a work trip in Melbourne.  We have come early to take in some retail therapy and generally bond as a work team :)  Tonight we went down the road to a lovely Italian Restaurant for dinner.  I ordered Prawn Pasta and it arrived promptly, hot and yummy.  Being the vain creature that I am, I did not take my glasses out of the my bag, so I reached for the pepper grinder and put some on my meal.  It turned out to be salt, so I made a crack about 'haha, thats a heart attack waiting to happen, I should have put my glasses on"  I took that one on the chin and just laughed it off.  I then picked up the parmesan cheese container and sprinkled a little on my prawns.  I passed said parmesan cheese container on and I waited for my prawns to cool.  Christine said to me 'I think it might not be cheese....I think it is ..(???) ... sugar?  Yes, its sugar"

So I basically buggered my lovely italian meal by sprinkling parmesan cheese looking SUGAR on my food.  We then totally dissolved into stomach aching laughter, with tears rolling down our faces.  It's really lucky the waiter didn't come over and with bored indifference, try to fake real interest, 'how is your meal?"

I would have had to say 'Sweeeeeeetttt as bro!'

 Mostly however, my dinner was lovely.......... apart from the crunchy, sugary bits.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Midnight Black Eye

Last week we had a mighty, mighty storm over Auckland!  I was very sound asleep (thank you wine) when at 12.03am a sonic boom thunder clap over our house.  It sounded more like a freight train slamming into the house.  I know not why, but I bolted out of bed and half asleep, decided to checkout where the noise had come from.

In the meantime, at the other end of the hallway Alex had got a huge fright as well and like a heat seeking ferret, had run for her mother.  Our hallway is 19 metres long and it was pitch black, mid storm.  So without a hint that anyone else was running down the hallway, we smacked into each other.  Her cheekbone caught my nose and under my eye, at which point through the pain, I realised it was only her and not some home invasion who  had gained access with a Mac Truck.  It seriously hurt, but strangely enough I got the giggles,  what 19 year old and what mother of a 19 year old has to check each other out just because there is thunder and lightening???  Serves us right, we need to examine those apron strings, me thinks......

The downside is my black eye.  Previously I could have made some vague reference to sport and got away with a black eye at school, but not so much now.  The story will have to come out and all other mothers of 19 year olds will go..... SERIOUSLY?????