Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Cold War Ends in a Lift.

We had a very unusual bunch of people on our tour.  No, to be fair, we had, what eventually turned out to be a quite small group of unusually rude and socially challenged people on our tour.  Consideration of others was clearly not a priority and this group talked over people, yakked while the tour guide was speaking and generally carried on like they were the only people in any room, bus, Castilla or Church!

As a group, and as you do, we were asked to please be quiet so that others could hear.  We were told by our local guides to be quiet.  Most of us got it.  Some (read rude and socially challenged group) did not.

Anyway, my tolerance of rudeness is not high and I was the first to make a general statement to the group that we were being rude.  It didn't go down well with a certain faction and........ I was voted off the bus.  Sadly by association, my team mates were too.  Sorry New Zealand!  I have let you down!!!!  There commenced a campaign of dagger looks, behind hand sniggers, obvious discussions and side long glances and up close and personal 'completely ignore' from members of this group.

Ha!  If only they knew that bigger and less nice had had a crack and that I am virtually immune to the criticism of others.

Anywho...... the next morning at breakfast, one of the group decided to have a real go.  He was rather direct and a swear word or two was inserted, to which he got my 'I am really interested in your comments' face, followed by a full and frank explanation of my position.  It was a lead balloon moment for him and he flounced off (read in to this what you will) back to his group and much discussion was clearly had.

The tour continued, as did the campaign outlined above and I just kept clear and did my thing along with the rest of Team New Zealand.

So......... at the farewell dinner last night......there was a great big hug fest in the street with people saying goodbye etc etc and the groups were all selective in who they bothered to embrace or care to say goodbye.  Team  NZ went into the lift and we stopped at Cathy's room on the 1st floor,, to find a cork for the bottle of wine Christine had taken off the table (but that is another story...)

Christine and I headed for the 7th floor about 15 minutes later.  The lift door opened......... and.......................

Oh, Lordy it was the flouncing man and a couple of other ladies.  Well, you can't back down, so in we hopped.

He said...... verbatim..... "I am sorry for our run in during the tour.  I was wrong".   HOLY SMOKES!!!!!  I say something like ''s fine' as I am not demonstrative and I would rather spend the time taking the daggers out of my back than playing nice with him!

Then he said 'its a shame, I think we could have been friends'  AND THEN.....  he hugs me!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Obviously the memo has not got to the rest of the world about that fun little past time and my allergic reaction to it!

If Christine had not been there, they would have thought I was making this story up!!!!  Even though Christine and I were both there, I think I am making it up!!  Such was my shock.  Good on him for having the guts to say it!!!


  1. Some people are so full of it aren’t they. I don’t understand why he couldn’t just go on putting ou on a dart board. Can’t believe he wanted to hug the woman with the biggest personal distance shield in the world. People are weird! Suzi on a dartboard - much more fun.

  2. Oh my good Lord!!!!! I can't believe that happened. What a wonderful (hahaha) way to end the tour for you. You must be thrilled that you and he are such great friends now.
    Michele A from Perth
