Monday, April 27, 2015

Funniest Things Said in Turkey

Just imagine a man goes to the Grand Bizzare in Istanbul, looking for a watch and is sold a 'Rolex' for around 230 Turkish Lira. He wants something waterproof and is pleased with his flash silver number.  He pays cash and upon leaving, asks 'what depth does this watch go to?' To which the reply is 'about as deep as your sink'. Chuckle, chuckle, ha,ha.

Imagine the mans surprise when his 'rolex' not only fogs up on the first shower, but stops working following the first dunking???  Imagine also his luck at actually FINDING the vendor to take up his consumer rights??  (Yep Mike, this is you!)

Also imagine a little lady (mentioned in the previous post), goes into a leather shop to consider a purchase after seeing some lovely leather jackets.  The salesman is blah, blah, blahing about the features of the jackets and special things about the leather, to which our lady says 'come on, what's the price?, let's talk turkey'!  To which all of us politely gahfawwed! Whispering to each other 'did she say talk Turkey to that Turkish salesman......???

Imagine one bus is having a rocking good time, whilst the parallel tour.......not so much, mixed with a little grumbling and complaining about pretty run of the mill stuff.  So this parallel tour eventually finds their way to mix with the rocking good tour.  Moans are not part of  the rocking good groups psychology and complaints fall on deaf ears.  This parallel group then leave themselves just a teeny bit wide open for the mocking to come....

Best lines used-

1.  Na! We're having the best time, this is brilliant!
2.  Did you only get 20 percent at the leather shop?, we got 50!
3.  Was your water cold? Ours was fine!
4.  Wasn't that chops dinner great?  They ran out.  We got steak!
5.  Did we tell you were having the BEST time.
6.  Our guide gave us wine on the bus!
7.  Our meals were lovely, not the dry chicken, flavorless stuff you are having with yet more Lentil Soup!

To be fair, I think our rocking good group just had a really positive and caring attitude and anything negative would have been drowned our (or someone would have said to pull your head in!!)

I will add to this as I remember and I need to go to bed as Iron is zonked out on the bed and I don't want to carry on disturbing him- or perhaps I could turn off the keyboard click sound and do another post?

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