Friday, April 20, 2018

The National Pastime.

I am so glad that we come from a spontaneous, fun country such as New Zealand, where people don't take themselves too seriously and you can make a fool of yourself and it is not a hanging offence.  We are noisy, chatty and bustling.  We have no problems talking to random strangers or having a conversation with someone that by chance you may be standing next to, or waiting beside, or if you happen to find yourself sitting on public transport together.

As a country, we hug, touch and engage with each other in a natural way that makes our place friendly and warm.  (well not so much the hugging for me!!!????) 

That is not the case in Finland.  The people around Helsinki fail to facially engage with anyone they see.  Anyone that they don't know, I am assuming????  Although having said that, they don't seem to have a lot to say to each other as they walk down the street together either.

A street cafe,  with apparently only one outlook.
No random action here!!!!

As is the Kiwi custom, I have been greeting people with a cheery 'hello' and around 0.4%, if that, have actually replied or acknowledged it.  In the hallway of the hotel this morning, I opened the door for 2 ladies with suitcases and did the usual greeting and got........... absolutely nothing in response!  No eye contact, no half smile, nothing.  They just walked through the door I held open as if I was the paid help, who also had leprosy!

Rhoda says they might think that I want something from them.  At a random door, on the inside of a motel corridor...... are they thinking I want their spare change, or perhaps their travel socks?????

I have decided there is a very good reason that the Finnish people hold their ages well.  That reason is that they don't have to deal with laugh lines or frown lines or, actually, any expression lines at all.  I think they have a national competition going on, to use as few muscles in their face as possible.  The winner probably gets............ well....botox?????

Once, about Tuesday, I decided I was going to bring joy to Finland one 'hello' at a time and I set to work.  I have to tell you that I think I bought no joy.  Only bewildered confusion and at times panic or mental escape plans to get away from the crazy lady!  I realise that in one week, I can't change a nation, but at least I tried.

I rather enjoy being a spontaneous, rather odd Kiwi!!!!
Not so spontaneous, except this guy, who was driving along and drumming to music.
Yes, it is a left hand drive car and yes, his steering wheel was rocking it!
I'm not really sure what happened when the lights changed, though.....????


  1. Did you say hello in Finish? I had the same thing at my work but after 6 or so years have worn them down. Big ask to do in a few days Suz.

  2. Moi is hello in Finnish and no, that didn't work either. only another 9 hours to spread the love, then.....I can't be a pain, I am off to Spain :))))
